ASTA.MOBI – Android, Ios, web development and design for them
Our partners
Since 2015, ASTA.MOBI is part of COVENT IT
Business analysis
Mobile and web design
Development and publication


To create a successful mobile app, three things are needed: start with good people, do what customers really want, and spend as little money and time as possible. We implement in 4 stages: business analysis, design, development and support of the application itself.

Business analysis

To create a successful mobile application, you need three things: start with good people, do what customers really want, and spend as little money and time as possible. We know how to listen and hear our customers, because this is the only way to realize your ideas with a minimum of expenses and nerves.

Mobile and web design

Design is the face of the project and we approach to its creation with full responsibility. Ordering the design of the project, you trust its creation to the professionals, because bright colors and bold decisions are our credo. Together we realize all your most difficult tasks! Book design now by clicking the button below.

Development and publication

How many relevant technologies are there in development? And how many promising? You do not need to know the exact answers to these questions. Our managers will help you not only to choose the technology stack, but also determine the vector of the development of the product in the future. We also offer bonus placement on your own hosting - in order to always be aware of the product's work and quickly make changes according to your requests.

Support and Care

Probably everyone was lost at the moment when he came across something incomprehensible or new. You will not have such experience working with us, because we offer ongoing support to our customers. Caring for our customers is what sets us apart from other companies. Join our family - together we will overcome!
+ story

Our progress

Our company managed to achieve a lot over the 5 years of life. In this section you can get acquainted with our achievements in detail.
+ story

Our offices

We have a wide geography, because our offices are located in London, Tel Aviv, Kiev and Vinnitsa. We are always close!
+ story

Our projects

For all the life of the company, we have implemented many projects and we are not going to stop! Are you with us?
+ story

Our employees

We managed to assemble a brilliant team, and we are proud of it. Our employees will create the project of your dream.
+ story

Our awards

We receive many awards and eager to show our leadership position everywhere, both in our professional activities and in sports, intellectual games and charity.
4 office
200 + projects
170 employees
17 awards


We have a lot of creative ideas.


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аста.мобі,аста мобі,аста.моби,аста моби,,asta mobi,iOS, swift, JavaScript, node.js, C/C++, PHP, JS, jQuery, PHP, SQL, Angular, WordPress, HTML 5, CSS3, SASS, SCSS, Nodejs, PostgreSQL, JS/HTML/CSS, Docker, android sdk, java, kotlin, c++, delphi, c#, python/django, html, bootstrap, flutter, git, firebase services, css, js, realm, room, dagger2, retrofit, facebook analytics, Google analytics, rx java, android,databinding, Android, RxSwift, Alamofire, Cocoa, VIPER, adobe photoshop, adobe illustrator, figma, zeplin, HTML, CSS, немного WordPress, wordpress,kotlin, angular, java, swift, rx, ionic, firebase

аста.мобі,аста мобі,аста.моби,аста моби,,asta mobiiOS, swift, JavaScript, node.js, C/C++, PHP, JS, jQuery, PHP, SQL, Angular, WordPress, HTML 5, CSS3, SASS, SCSS, Nodejs, PostgreSQL, JS/HTML/CSS, Docker, android sdk, java, kotlin, c++, delphi, c#, python/django, html, bootstrap, flutter, git, firebase services, css, js, realm, room, dagger2, retrofit, facebook analytics, Google analytics, rx java, android,databinding, Android, RxSwift, Alamofire, Cocoa, VIPER, adobe photoshop, adobe illustrator, figma, zeplin, HTML, CSS, немного WordPress, wordpress,kotlin, angular, java, swift, rx, ionic, firebase

аста.мобі,аста мобі,аста.моби,аста моби,,asta mobiiOS, swift, JavaScript, node.js, C/C++, PHP, JS, jQuery, PHP, SQL, Angular, WordPress, HTML 5, CSS3, SASS, SCSS, Nodejs, PostgreSQL, JS/HTML/CSS, Docker, android sdk, java, kotlin, c++, delphi, c#, python/django, html, bootstrap, flutter, git, firebase services, css, js, realm, room, dagger2, retrofit, facebook analytics, Google analytics, rx java, android,databinding, Android, RxSwift, Alamofire, Cocoa, VIPER, adobe photoshop, adobe illustrator, figma, zeplin, HTML, CSS, немного WordPress, wordpress,kotlin, angular, java, swift, rx, ionic, firebase

Наши основные направления: анализ бизнеса, веб и мобильный дизайн, разработка и внедрение IT решений, поддержка и опека ваших проектов. В этих направлениях мы добились высоких результатов и можем выполнить любой проект в короткие сроки и дешевле чем конкуренты. С нами Вы достигнете высот и продолжите развиваться

С уважением команда ASTA.MOBI

+38 093 37 48 701

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